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The Future

It is important to reflect on where we are, learn from our mistakes and consider where we are going. In this section we talk a bit about how we are evolving more and more and show some emerging technologies.

Facebook Ads Retargeting Tutorial for Beginners - Facebook Advertising Retargeting Campaigns

Facebook Ads Retargeting Tutorial for Beginners - Facebook Advertising Retargeting Campaigns

Check out our Facebook Ads Retargeting Tutorial for Beginners, which is updated for 2017 and 2018. Facebook advertising retargeting campaigns and retargeting audiences are a great way to reach targeted consumers that are the most likely to convert. We will take you through the process of adding a Facebook pixel to your website, creating Facebook audiences based on your pixel, creating custom conversions to exclude people who have already converted, and how to target Facebook Retargeting audiences with your ad campaigns. Just a quick note, you might refer to it as Facebook Retargeting Ads or Facebook Remarketing Ads. Our Facebook Ads Remarketing Tutorial is relevant for either term you use because we use them interchangeably. In addition, you can use our same process to create and target all of your audiences. You can use Facebook ads to target your email list, app activity, website visitors, facebook engagement, instagram engagement, and offline activity actions. Helpful Facebook Advertising Tutorials: Facebook Pixel WordPress Tutorial - How to Add the Facebook Pixel to Your Website and Verification: The first step of creating Facebook Audiences is adding the Facebook Pixel to your website. Our tutorial above should help you understand how to add it to your WordPress website with ease. Facebook Audiences Tutorial 2018 - Custom Audiences, Retargeting, Lookalike Audiences, and More: In case you want a more detailed tutorial about Facebook Custom Audiences and all the different Audiences you can create and target with Facebook ads, the tutorial above will be perfect for you. Audiences are vital with Facebook ads and you absolutely want to use them and test them to optimize your Facebook Advertising and Retargeting campaigns.
Business Strategy: What is Inbound?

Business Strategy: What is Inbound?

Sign up for HubSpot Academy's Inbound Course to learn all about INBOUND [FREE CERTIFICATION] Inbound is a fundamental shift in the way you do business and is a philosophy based on helping people. The inbound approach to doing business is more human and customer-centered. Learn about why this shift has happened, how buying behaviors are evolving, and the fundamentals of an inbound business. 📔 Grow Your Career and Business with HubSpot Academy: 📔 Favorite Free Certification Courses: • Social Media Marketing Course: • SEO Training Course: • Inbound Course: • Inbound Marketing Course: • Email Marketing Course: • Inbound Sales Course: • Taking your Business Online Course: About HubSpot: HubSpot is a leading growth platform with thousands of customers around the world. Comprised of a Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and a powerful free CRM, HubSpot gives companies the tools they need to grow better. HubSpot Academy is a worldwide leader in free online training for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service professionals. We specialize in comprehensive certifications, singular topic courses, and bite-sized lessons for professionals looking to grow their career and business. #hubspot
How To Be a T-Shaped Marketer - 15 Necessary Skills

How To Be a T-Shaped Marketer - 15 Necessary Skills

Introducing the new T-Shaped Marketer - 15 Necessary Skills! Is your skill-set cutting edge? How do you rank on these 15 necessary skills? TAKE THE QUIZ: If you’re a marketer, growth hacker, technical marketer, product owner, or just alive and employed - you need to be more technical, more creative in marketing, data-driven & psychological than ever before. We’ve entered a new way of working. Why? Because as the technical marketing and technology landscape evolves, so too does the skillset required of so-called ‘full-funnel marketers’. Those who have a grasp on the new skills necessary to master to stay relevant are known as T-Shaped Marketers. But the question remains - How to Be a T-Shaped Marketer? We’re not saying there’s a magic formula, but you could start with these 15 necessary skills. * Hint* A T-Shaped Marketer is focused on staying up to date on new trends, new tools, and especially, the new ways of working.. For years we’ve helped define and train T-Shaped Marketers and we’ve seen them become a company’s secret weapon. But as T-Shaped Marketers become more and more important, the landscape continues to evolve and we see the skillset of a T-Shape Marketer increase.. which is why we update the t-shape player on a yearly basis - and this is our updated T-Shaped Marketer for 2018! Also discussed in this video: marketing automation tools data-driven marketing creative marketing ideas the education system is flawed retention ratio landing page optimization growth hackers how to become a technical marketer full-funnel marketing new ways of working technology landscape consumer behaviour in marketing API machine learning customer acquisition channels customer lifecycle Coding People with these skills, right mindset, and a suitable process are a rare breed. Do you tick all the boxes? ------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that if you are in the Netherlands, and an EU citizen you can get €1,000 towards a course? Meaning you can learn with Growth Tribe for free. For more info and to apply → Or find out more about our on-demand courses → → Digital Marketing Certificate → Growth Marketing Certificate → Growth Strategies Certificate (Live) → Conversion Rate Optimisation → Data Fundamentals Certificate → Business Analytics Certificate → Data Visualisation & Storytelling Certificate → Digital Leadership Certificate → Project Management Certificate → Crypto & Web3 Foundations Certificate → Design Thinking Certificate Ready to train your team? Here are our corporate solutions for growth, innovation and data capabilities. → Check out our blog for articles, reports, resources and webinars. → You can also follow us on Social Media here for even more learning materials: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Video URL: #datadrivenmarketing #marketingautomationtools #futureofwork
A.I. for Marketing & Growth - Where do I start?

A.I. for Marketing & Growth - Where do I start?

At Growth Tribe, we train business people in their first steps with A.I. for marketing and growth. In this video, we run you through the first steps of applying artificial intelligence and machine learning for marketing & growth. Just like the industrial revolution took us from 1 horse to 450 horses,  artificial intelligence and machine learning are taking us from 1 brain to thousands of brains working with us to answer critical questions. A.I. can answer many questions for your growth and business. * How likely is that person on the website to sign up or buy our product/service? * How much is this customer likely to buy this year? * Who’s going to stop using your product? * What characteristics should you segment your customers by? * Or even, what are the personality traits of your customers? Now, although A.I. and Machine Learning can help answer all these questions, these applications are more or less mature. So, we’ve mapped out how mature or advanced each application is in the marketing and growth world. And, in the end, we’ll tell you what the must-haves are, what the should-haves are and the could haves. At the very top, we have predictive analytics. Predicting outcomes (often future outcomes) based on historical data. This allows marketers and business owners to predict a customer’s lifetime value, identify customers more likely to be loyal customers, predict if a lead is of good value or not and predict how much a customer is likely to be worth over his or her lifetime.. The reason it’s at the top? It quite easy to implement and it’s been proven very powerful. In this 2016 Forbes article, 89% of B2B marketers had it on their roadmap: Next up is clustering and customization. Also referred to as unsupervised learning, which is basically being able to uncover patterns from large sets of data. Patterns that your human brain can’t see. In our case, we use it to identify patterns of the most important characteristics that differentiate customers into segments. Based on this segmentation, you can then tailor content to customers. This is what we call customization or advanced personalisation. Recommendation engines come in at third. Recommendation engines are usually built through a healthy mix of the two discussed above. Although they’ve been popularized by Amazon and Netflix, they are not a mature form of A.I. for marketing.. We also see that many ecommerce, media, transactional and content companies still build recommendation engines by hand. Natural Language Processing (or NLP as we call it), is basically asking algorithms to understand and sometimes reproduce human language. The applications in marketing and growth are already quite interesting although not as mature. We currently use NLP to see what customers say about us and our competitors and obtain an indication of how a customer is currently feeling on a chat. It’s also being used by some companies to create content like business articles or product descriptions. ------------------------------------------------------- Did you know that if you are in the Netherlands, and an EU citizen you can get €1,000 towards a course? Meaning you can learn with Growth Tribe for free. For more info and to apply → Or find out more about our on-demand courses → → Digital Marketing Certificate → Growth Marketing Certificate → Growth Strategies Certificate (Live) → Conversion Rate Optimisation → Data Fundamentals Certificate → Business Analytics Certificate → Data Visualisation & Storytelling Certificate → Digital Leadership Certificate → Project Management Certificate → Crypto & Web3 Foundations Certificate → Design Thinking Certificate Ready to train your team? Here are our corporate solutions for growth, innovation and data capabilities. → Check out our blog for articles, reports, resources and webinars. → You can also follow us on Social Media here for even more learning materials: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Video URL:
What is SEO? An Introduction to SEO

What is SEO? An Introduction to SEO

This is the second lesson of my free SEO course called SEO Unlocked. Today I'm going to be going over SEO and why it's important. Did you know that 93% of online experiences start with a search engine? You may think, "All right, there are these search engines out there." "Yeah, sure we know Google." But for a minute, just think about how many times you go on Google or search, or YouTube and search, or Kayak and look for hotels or flights, there are search engines all around us and we're constantly using them. Before we get started into going over SEO, there are a few things I wanted to cover: There's a lot of people saying false information out there, so I wanted to play a little fun little game called Fact or Fiction. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ Download the course materials: Ubersuggest: Google Page Speed Insights: ____________________________________________ The first one: My industry is too hard to get ranked in. Second one: Only big companies can do well on Google. Then I always hear, the more pages I have, the better. Now let's go over all five of them. The first one: It doesn't matter what industry you're in, you can always rank on Google. Now, of course, creating an account on Google Search Console and submitting your sitemap isn't a bad thing to do. And you don't need to spend a ton of money to win online, and that's why I started to get into SEO. There are three main keys that you really need to understand if you want to win online. The first is, why is SEO so important? Look, SEO's a process of optimizing any given search word, or term, for a search engine on your site. So no matter what time of the day or what country people are in, when they're searching, you can be found, you're getting that traffic, and some of it will end up converting into sales. The next key to winning online is choosing your battleground. They dominate search on all landscapes. So when you look at the desktop, they're an estimated 4.5 billion active internet users, and Google's search share for desktop is 87%. That's roughly 8.7 out of 10! That's an amazing result. And just being on there isn't enough. Your position is everything! Over 31.7% of people click on position one, according to Advanced Web Ranking. The third key, which is unlocking the SEO factors to win online. One of them is Page Speed. For every second delay means roughly 7% reduction in conversions, according to HubSpot. So you want to make sure your site loads fast. The next thing I want you to look at is Mobile User Experience. Look, the number of people that are using mobile devices is continually going up. So much so that Google has a mobile-first index. The next factor that I want you to look at is Topical Content. The more detail that you go into on each page around the same topic, the better you're going to end up ranking. Versus if you go really broad and cover a lot of random topics, but you don't go in-depth on all of them. Another factor and this is from Ahrefs, it's all about URL Length. The longer your URL length, the lower your rankings are. So you want to keep your URL short and to the point. Another thing to look at is Content Length. Generally speaking, the longer your content, the more social shares you're going to end up getting, the better you're going to end up doing. Backlinks are another big factor. And as you can see from this chart by Ahrefs, backlinks have more of an impact on your rankings than On-page SEO; that's getting sites to link to you, it's super important. And one thing that very few SEO's looks at is the power of brand and user signals. The ex-CEO of Google once said, "Brands are the solution, not the problem." "Brands are how you sort out the cesspool." These days security is a big issue as well, so you want to make sure you're using an SSL Certificate, so that way you get that HTTPS. Because when people go to your website and you're not using SSL, you're more likely to get a warning. 00:00 - Introduction 00:43 - Fact Or Fiction ( Before we Get To Start ) 01:58 - Check Out What You Get By The End Of this Video 02:08 - The 3 Keys To Win Online - Key 1 - Why Is SEO Important? 03:07 - Top 5 Reasons Whys SEO Is So Important 03:37 - Key 2 - Choosing Your Battleground 05:25 - Key 3 - Unlock The SEO Factors 07:00 - Looking For The Holy Grail Of SEO ( 8 Factors ) 09:44 - Things To Do Before The Next Lesson ► If you need help growing your business check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital ►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips. ►Find me on Facebook: ►On Instagram: #SEO #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing
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